Landscape plants, beds and berms are like the paint that brightens our landscape picture. Creating an interesting landscape design that entices and encourages interaction is not an easy task and there has never been a one size fits all solution. I would love the opportunity to walk your yard with you and dream up a new outdoor living space for you and your family.
walk to the gazebo Rhododendron bed pretty pine berms pretty flowers at lawn edge pines at the lawn edge bridge in the pines bridge and beds berm with pines bed along the front walk small formal garden walk splitting the berm tall grasses at a wetland stepping stones through the bed pretty daylily beds Plantings along the stream perennials and a pond Perennials along a wetland front yard in the fall fresh front yard landscape planting along the deck rose bed formal walkway garden fall front yard from side Backyard landscape front yard landscape with boulders walks and stream pond dry creek bed under a bridge backyard landscape with daylily border Pretty landscaped pond