Naturally balanced, eco-system swimming ponds have been popular in Europe for many years and lately they have been becoming more and more popular here in the United States. Many of us might have grown up swimming in a natural pond, but the natural swimming ponds of today can be quite a different experience than swimming in the farm ponds of our youth. We can now have a crystal clear swimming pond with healthy and clean water and without the mucky bottom and leaches that you might have “not so fond” memories of.
Pool or Pond
Most of the time when people people are considering a swimming pond, they want a place to swim at home, but they are unsure if they want a swimming pool. They may have read about swimming ponds a bit and they have probably found some information, but they have found an overwhelming amount of pool information. Swimming pools are much more common and well known than swimming ponds, but their problems are also very well known. People who consider a swimming pond are usually turned off by the thought of continual water testing and chemical additives. We all know how it feels after getting out of a chlorine pool and how our eyes burn if we open them under the water, but not many of us have experienced a true, purpose built swimming pond.
Swimming pools and swimming ponds both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before you decide on one or the other. Either way you go, it is a very big decision. They both take up a good deal of space in your yard, and both carry a hefty price tag. You really want to be sure that you want either in your yard before you take the plunge.
Here is a checklist of some Pros and Cons.
Swimming Pond | Swimming Pool | |
Fun to swim in. | yes | yes |
Can have clean, clear water. | yes | yes |
Must have circulating water | yes | yes |
Must have filter systems that need cleaning | no | yes |
Must have an external, grounded water pump. | yes | yes |
Must have chemical treatments | no | yes |
Must do water tests to maintain them | no | yes |
Can have beautiful water without chemicals | yes | no |
Can have a waterfall attached | yes | yes |
Might require a fence in some comunities | yes | yes |
Can have a sandy beach or sand on the bottom | yes | no |
Can have fish and frogs | yes | no |
Can have beautiful lounging patios around them | yes | yes |
Can have beautiful, natural plants in the water | yes | no |
Can have large open swimming areas without any plants | yes | yes |

As you can see, there are pros and cons to both. Both can be a true delight to have in your yard. In my mind, the distinct advantage that a swimming pond has over a pool is the fact that it can be natural and very low maintenance. I don’t like to subject myself and my family to chemicals if I can help it, so for me the swimming pond is clearly a better choice. On the other hand, if you don’t mind chemicals and water testing and you need that perfectly clean and sanitized environment that only a chemically treated pool can offer, then you may not be comfortable with a swimming pond.
Both swimming ponds and swimming pools can get quite pricey. Both systems will likely run in the 50-60k ballpark on the low end to as much as you want to spend on the high end. The fact is, to have enough room to swim, you need a good sized body of water, so there really isn’t a great way to do this cheaply. The beauty of the swimming pond is that it will be easier to maintain and will not require chemical treatments which will save you money in the long run.
Designed and Built to Suit Your Needs
The swimming pond can be designed to fit your needs. There is no strict layout. You can find examples that look very much like swimming pools, with straight deep edges and flat bottoms and you can find others that look exactly like a natural pond. It’s true that we use aquatic plants to help us filter and clean our water in a swimming pond, but that doesn’t mean that you will be swimming in the weeds. It can all be designed to be however you would like it.
One of the favorite aspects of the swimming pond is how family friendly it can be. We’ve already talked about how nice it is to swim in chemical free water, but there are other aspects to consider. While swimming pools typically have ladders or steps for entry, a swimming pond can have a gently sloping beach area if you’d like. We all know how much kids enjoy beaches and sand! Also, your swimming pond can certainly have steps for entry if you would prefer this.
Because the swimming pond can be created in any size or shape that we would like, it can be blended in very nicely with your backyard landscape so that when you aren’t enjoying it for swimming, you can still be enjoying the natural beauty of plants, streams and waterfalls. It doesn’t need to be a concrete pool surrounded by more concrete, it can be an integral part of your landscape design with beautiful gardens walkways, patios and maybe even a bridge.
Consider It
Swimming ponds certainly aren’t for everyone, but if you think they might be for you, just contact me and I’d be happy to come to your yard and discuss the possibilities. A naturally balanced eco-system swimming pond can be a beautiful and valuable part of your landscape all year round.